PTS pictures

These pictures show the state of the PTS systems located at Dansk Datahistorisk Forening ( as pr. 15.09.2014.
The systems are not yet displayed as they should, but it shows what we can show, at some unspecified date.
As you will see, the biggest system (development system) is still under re-construction, but some parts already work, and we have executed some programs successfully.

Development system, PTS 6810/UK01

Development system, EXU (Expansion Unit)

Development system, Pertec Tapedrive

Development system, backside

Development system, printer

Local Authority system, CPU

Local Authority system, Cashier position
-//- , Cashier Printer

Local Authority system, Backoffice position

Local Authority system, Selector unit (1 per position, supporting VDU, printer, keyboard + 1 optional